Carte blanche

My adventure began with several e-mail exchanges. I was lost with ideas all over the place, without really having a precise scenario... However, thanks to her great precision, expertise and overflowing imagination, I very quickly had an idea for a scenario. I like the feeling that "anything is possible", that "anything can happen to me", even though I'm a person who asks myself 1,000 questions a minute. Being a person with little self-confidence, quite reserved, a session with Inanna Justice forces me to surpass myself in the written word and in the game. Inanna is a Dominatrix who's bubbly, human and a great listener, and it's only normal and logical to go the extra mile to give her complete satisfaction.

Since our first meeting there's been a special bond between us. I don't know exactly what it is, but Inanna is a Dominatrix who can come and get you.

A week before our meeting, my playful side catches up with me... I decide to send her a small gift in anticipation of our future meeting, with a kind note in the wrapping. Of course, I think long afterwards that my action has consequences, but it's too late to turn back now.

D-Day arrives, we breathe, calm down and go! I was given some rather specific instructions to follow when I arrived at the entrance. Here I am, climbing the stairs in my stress, arriving at the open door... An easy instruction: "You go in, head for the hand-washing area, then into the dungeon, I'll wait for you inside". I remember the silence just before entering the door, my heart beating at 200 and my great ignorance about my future destiny. I try to calm myself down as much as possible, then I push through the door (don't forget the instructions)....

Once I'd pushed open the door, I found myself pressed up against it with a bag over my head, my hands in plain view and my brain banging away at what had just happened to me. It took me a while to understand the situation; I didn't dare move or speak... You never know! I understood that the instructions were just a trap. I also understand that Inanna Justice knows me well, she cuts me off directly from my thoughts and the 10,000 questions I have in my head... These words allow you to get into the game as you should.

Next step was to get undressed with the bag over my head, quite an exercise which I enjoy so much, then off to the dungeon...Ah yes, a little detail, I'm a thug selling wigs! I'd like to thank Inanna for her great imagination, which makes me laugh a lot! I owe an apology to one of her friends now...

The game continues with a big turn in the cage, a little game with puzzles (very, very difficult level) and a lot of precision! Inanna plays with rubber bands on my body, still in the cage, and I keep some very nice marks. I see the smile, the laughter and the gaze of this fabulous Dominatrix, who reassures and soothes me. I feel good, calm, locked in submission to such a great Lady. Then, after a while, I win the right to get out of this beautiful cage - at least, I try to open the carabiner to get out! It makes Inanna laugh, while I'm wondering how to open it? Luckily for me, Madame comes to the rescue and gets me out! Then a new game: I have to imagine an animal... A 1-armed bird with wheels suits me just fine. But I need some feathers to make it real... Inanna's got the solution: a few needles, some fabric and here I am with feathers on my shoulders. A real masterpiece! For the animal's cry, we'll go for a little bird in distress, taking unexpected hits of juice. The nice thing about Inanna Justice is that the session is incredibly light, and I love laughing with her. She knows that I'm a bit of a reckless gambler at times, yet she knows perfectly well how to channel me (yes, electricity does help a bit) and allows me to play, while maintaining respect of course. You always have to respect the great ladies. After all these emotions, my brain is no longer a problem and my worries have dissipated. Time to remove the needles...I don't particularly like disinfectant, strange as it may be, but I find needles more pleasant than disinfectant that stings! But you can't escape Inanna's clutches!

It's time for a little headband braiding before the big moment for me: the impact.

I have absolute confidence in Inanna Justice, I condition myself knowing in advance that it's going to hurt, but I'm ready and waiting! I find myself tied up with chains and the game begins. At this point I've lost track of time and the number of strokes, and I let myself go in pain, wanting to surpass myself as much as possible, also wanting to honor him. In my mind, I absolutely did not want to use the safe-word (I think I saw it as a failure) but feeling so good that its usefulness did not cross my mind. Once finished, I hear these words in my ear which comfort me, I feel so relieved. We test another position with an instrument, the cane. I'm quite afraid of the cane, but I really want to push myself, so I roll the dice that were part of the game for the number of sets, and woe betide 6 6 6 ouille ouille ouille! In her great mercy, Madame will only give me 3 series of 6 strokes, or at least 4 series, due to a little stupidity on my part. The cane is excruciatingly painful, but Inanna wields it with such ease (despite the fact that I move like a maggot) that I found myself craving it again and again, forgetting my safe-word.

The session ended with a very pleasant moment of relaxation in this large sleeping bag, totally isolated without moving, what happiness for me! Thank you Madame for this gift.

After a quick trip to the bathroom, as planned, I had the great honor of sharing a fine meal in the restaurant with this great Dominatrix.

My little insolence in front of you, Madame, will make me lose my head one day, I so enjoyed the different intensities during our games.

Thank you for this fabulous adventure, which has taken me on a journey through laughter, fear, pain and intense pleasure. I won't soon forget your vivid eyes.