A beautiful lesson
My adventure begins as I enter the room with a visual on a black sleeping bag...
I was desperately seeking his gaze when the opportunity came to me, my head turned and there I was, gazing into his eyes like a drowning castaway. A moment so intense that you hope it never ends. So powerless between my bonds, it's as if I want to thank her for watching over me, to thank her for submitting to me, for letting me go on my journey with myself quietly, serenely...
Here I am, calm and confident, little by little my mind abandoning me and I find myself going far, far away, traveling with my thoughts, my doubts dissipating and my body wandering in this storm of deprivation.
A sensory deprivation day is no ordinary day, or even a classic session. It's a day that pushes you to your limits, even though it's almost painless. You can learn a lot about yourself and let yourself be carried away from the room that holds you in such strong bonds. You know, that room that reminds you that kindness rhymes with infinite cruelty.
It's a journey with yourself, with your spirit, so live it to the full. You don't struggle, you surrender your spirit.

As far as I'm concerned, here I am in my bonds, oh yes, how I love these bonds, a great story between us. I don't move, I can't see, I just breathe softly with Inanna's hand on me, soothing my breathing before leaving me alone in the middle of this room like a forgotten corpse. She'll come back from time to time, making little noises to gently allow me to land, the landing, such a special moment, filled with tenderness, her gaze, her smell and me still attached, feeling so good, as if weightless. I often get a hug at the end, as if to say "you're a good submissive, keep it up", or rather "you're a good girl, keep it up".
We alternated this game all day long, some positions were uncomfortable, but it's so good to surpass yourself, to get out of your comfort zone and always go the extra mile for this exceptional Domina.
During difficult positions, Inanna was always by my side, watching me, smiling at me, sometimes even laughing as I struggled with myself and my ego. She was always there to look after my safety and well-being, and of course to add difficulty if needed.
In these difficult positions, there was one element that stood out for me more than the others, although I have to admit, I really enjoyed all the positions. For this highlight, my position was on my stomach, hands tied behind my back with ankles and a very large gag in my mouth held in place by a head harness, a bit like a horse being tamed. My harness was connected to the ankle and wrist straps. This meant that my head was tilted backwards, impossible to put down - a real titanic struggle in this position. My gag was hurting my jaw badly, but it was impossible for me to give up, so I prayed over myself. I waited impatiently, wisely, looking desperately into Inanna's eyes... My drool flowed profusely from my mouth, I could no longer control anything and I quickly understood that Inanna wouldn't give up either, leaving me to struggle with my painful body. As I realized this, my vision changed and I realized that giving up would be my only solution, something I had refused to do from the start.

After one last pleading look, she didn't let go, no feelings, no compassion, just a simple smile. For me, the pain was becoming more and more terrible, so I had no choice but to give up. Mentally, I had convinced myself to go to the end of myself, and I think I succeeded. This position was unbearable, the pain in my jaw was too great, I could hardly find any other solution...
I found a way to put my head gently to one side, looking into Inanna's eyes one last time before closing them. There were no words between us, nor could I speak, but the simple look made her understand. I'd given up and she'd won. Our gazes exchanged for a long moment before I closed my eyes in surrender. She stood up without a word and slowly began to remove my bonds and then the painful gag from my mouth. I felt her hand on my back, a moment of the utmost comfort for me. I had just given up, and this moment of comfort did me so much good.
I don't like giving up, I see it as a failure, especially in a session. We've already discussed it once, and yet I really didn't expect to give up in this type of session, but thanks to Inanna, I learned a beautiful lesson that day: sometimes giving up isn't really a failure, sometimes giving up is beautiful to experience. I can let go, it's okay if I don't hold on as I'd like.
I thank Inanna for this beautiful lesson, difficult for me to learn, but very right.
After this position, we took a short break, had a glass of water and then resumed our game with a more comfortable position, then an uncomfortable one and so on. Oh, and some of the positions were masterpieces, like the spider in the web. Inanna played with her imagination and I let myself be carried along by the chains that were added to my body before flying up to the ceiling.

We had a lot of laughs, she and I. We like to laugh together, it's really good for us and sometimes leads to unexpected situations, like when I have to pick up my drool from the floor.
I often have a lot of pressure on my shoulders, she knows this and she often helps me to release this pressure, her control is quite impressive.
Inanna is a person who knows how to make you feel intense emotions, but she also knows how to relax you and lighten the mood. I'd say she has over a million strings to her bow for being nice, but I'm sure she has even more in reality.
She's a stunning, wonderful woman who's particularly committed to what she proposes.
Any final words?
If I had any advice, I'd wish everyone a sensory day, no matter how intense, with this Dominatrix. You'll experience things that even you wouldn't have thought of.
For my part, I'd like to thank her warmly for this session, and I'll be back to submit to her when time permits.